This project aims at raising awareness and celebrating creative solutions among the Primary school children through discussions and a series of activities on the following facts.
One-Third of Food Is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done? From our farms to grocery stores to dinner tables, 30 percent of the food we grow is never eaten. We can do better. The first step in reducing food waste and food loss is getting people to perceive that there is a problem.Squandering food also squanders the vast quantities of fuel, agricultural chemicals, water, land, and labor needed to produce it. The students of classes 3 and 4 will be involved in this project, we are planning to address the problems associated with wastage of food and the reasons behind it .We expect them to find measures to reduce food wastage at their level. We expect them to understand how privileged they are to get food served on their tables while millions remain food insecure and go hungry to bed with no affordability to buy food for themselves in this world. They will explore through a series of research activities like posting a questionnaire to schools around the world to find out the reasons for wastage, based on which they would prepare a power point presentation, speak for a minute on how effectively food wastage can be reduced and to propose some practical solutions that could be followed at their level. To make their peers understand the intensity of food wastage as a global issue they would make a Do’s and Don’tschart and put them on the display boards also they will do a campaign around the school using posters with captive slogans to create awareness among their peers. At the end of the project, we expect our children to be cautious about wasting food and develop an attitude to reduce wastage of food in all possible ways. | ||||