
STUDENT EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM- 2024: Introduction to Astronomy



Vocational Education and Training Program Inauguration

"They would become the future leaders of their village and guide their entire community towards progress and prosperity." Excerpt from the words of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda ji. His Vision for Harihara Vidyalaya is coming into manifestation. Madras Chinmaya Seva Trust in collaboration with Sriram Polytechnic College has developed a vocational education and training program for the children of Harihara Vidyalaya (HHV), a free rural school in Thamaraipakkam. The program was inaugurated on December 8, 2021 by Swami Mitranandaji. Ayudha Puja was performed for the various tools that will be used in the training workshop. Sri. Rajkumar, Chief Sevak, delivered the welcome address. Swamiji emphasised the need for vocational education and urged the kids to learn many skills. Sri Dattatreya, principal of Sriram Polytechnic explained the course which is aimed to give exposure to students from standards 6 to 10 to one or two vocational skills every year. Smt Srividya, Principal of HHV, gave the vote of thanks. Sri O V Nambiar, president Chinmaya Mission Chennai, deserves a special mention for the successful beginning of this initiative. By Gurudev’s Grace, an important milestone has been touched and we endeavour to deliver our best in fulfilling His mission.

Environment day celebration

World Environment day is celebrated every year on 5thof June. This year due to pandemic we conducted it online. Motive of this celebration is to increase global awareness among the children of our vidyalaya. We also encourage children to get more environmental friendly by protecting nature through planting of trees, avoiding plastic and conserving natural resources like water etc. Keeping this aim in view various activities were organized for Students.
  • Class III to V: Poster making & slogan writing
  • Class VI to VIII: Logo designing & story writing related to environmental protection
  • Class IX & X: Photo story making.
All students participated enthusiastically. Participation in these activities has increased awareness for a greener planet earth amongst children. The event was conducted successfully with whole hearted participation. Pictures and videos were circulated to students and parents online.

Aaraadhana Day

Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated 28thAaradhana day of our Param Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda on 3rd August. Mahasamadhi day of our Gurudev is observed as a day of sadhana,seva,japa and reflection on the life of Gurudev. We, the teachers in Harihara vidyalaya look forward to celebrating this auspicious day. Our correspondent Smt. Priya Arunachalam performed padukapooja which was followed by Guru Stotram chanting and bhajans by our teachers. Smt. Priya amma also narrated inspiring anecdotes from Pujya Gurudev’s life which highlighted his various unique qualities. This was a good eye opener for all teachers. The program concluded with aarati and prasad distribution. Om Shri Chinmaya Sadgurave Namah.

Independence Day

Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated our Bharat’s 75th independence day with patriotic fervor on 15th of august, 2021. our Sevak Sri. Arunachalam hoisted the national flag. Smt. Divya sang the flag song and the staff pledged to uphold the honour and integrity of our country Bharat. This program included several inspirational speeches by our teachers on the life and struggles of freedom fighters. It motivated us to think more and do more for our nation. Smt. Priya Srunachalam our correspondent explained the meaning of song “Dhanya Dhanya jai Bharat Mata” written by our Pujya Guruji swami Tejomayananda. This instilled everlasting sense of patriotism in us. The program concluded with the rendering of vote of thanks by Smt. Revathi and singing of National Anthem. Our students and parents performed and recorded National Anthem with the meaning explained in Tamil as a video. This event was recorded and circulated to students and parents online.

Yoga Day

As a tribute to our yogic guru sage Patanjali, Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated international yoga day on 21st June 2021 online. Our teachers prepared a video relating to the origin, importance and benefits of yoga. Few of our students displayed different Yogasanas like Chakrasana, Dhanur Asana, Trataka yoga and Suryanamaskaram and their performances were also included in the video. Our teachers also actively took part in this event and performed 12 rounds of Suryanamaskarams. The objective of the yoga day celebration is to instill the ideology of yoga in children from a very young age. The value of discipline is imbibed to the children through regular yoga classes. Our P.ET Sir conducts yoga classes online regularly throughout the year even during pandemic.

Teachers Day Celebration

Every year September 5th is celebrated as teacher’s day all across the country since 1962 to honor Dr. S. Radhakrishnan on his birthday anniversary. He was a great educationalist of India and inspiration to young generation. The students of Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated teacher’s day by presenting videos consisting of various dances, songs and also made several greeting cards with quotes for their beloved teachers. Thus they expressed their love and gratitude towards their teachers. It was a memorable experience for teachers. And this year we also celebrated Sri V.O. Chidambaramji’s 150th birth anniversary on the same day. He was also known as Kappalottiya Tamizhan. To mark his great remarkable deeds and selfless actions in this auspicious day our teachers organized various competitions on life history of Sri Chidambaram like
  • Drawing competition for students of class VII
  • Various speeches in English, Tamil and Hindi for class VIII.
  • Essay competition for classes IX and X
The event was recorded as video and circulated to parents and students online.

Chanting Kritagyata

Go vote! – Election awareness programme

As an extension activity and realizing the fact that the process of voting acts as a gateway to various forms of civic engagement, HariHara Vidyalaya Children presented, an entertaining awareness videos on Election in the following headings – “Sinthipeer Vakalipeer” & “Vakalippom Jananayagam Kaappom” in the form of drama and villu pattu, respectively. Both the concepts were scripted and acted by students. These pre-recorded videos were premiered in the Chinmaya Sarveshwara Youtube Channel on 31ST March & 2nd April. The following are the links of that programme:

Bhagavad Gita relay jnana yagna

Chinmaya HariHara Vidyalaya Teachers conducted Bhagavad Gita relay jnana yagna. The teachers are regularly attending weekly Bhagavad Gita satsang, facilated by our correspondent Smt.Priya Arunachalam. They expressed their gratitude & reverence to Param Pujya Gurudev and Guruparampara on the occasion of 105th Gurudev Jayanthi. The teachers shared their reflections on various themes based on Bhagavad Gita Chapters 9 in the Relay yagna. The Yagna was recorded and premiered in Chinmaya Sarveshwara you tube channel on May 5th. The link was shared with parents, students and other Chinmaya family members.

105th Chinmaya Jayanthi

We celebrated Pujya Gurudev's 105th Jayanthi through online. Children of classes IX & X took part in this event. Paduka Pooja was conducted by Smt. Priya Arunachalam. Children sang Chinmaya Undhipara, Krithajata and Chinmaya Aarathi. HariHara Vidyalaya Children dedicated beautiful pencil sketches depicting Gurudev’s life with Chinmaya Udhipara song, to express their gratitude and devotion, in a video format. This video was premiered in Chinmaya Sarveshwara youtube channel on May 8th. Chinmaya Mission had organized Global online celebration of Param Pujya Gurudev’s Jayanthi. The students of HariHara Vidyalaya participated in this event. HariHara Vidyalaya Children chanted Kritajnata with great devotion. The recording was included in the Global online Celebration and was telecast in the Chinmaya Mission, you tube Channel on 21/5/2021. It was a great opportunity for our children to offer their love and respect to our Gurudv. Our heartfelt thanks to CCMT.

Rama Navami

Shri Ram Navami was celebrated with the chanting of Shri Rama nama 108 times, followed by melodious rendering of bhajans, keerthans and Hanuman Chalisa by students and Maha arati. The puja was telecast online via Google meet. Students of 9th and 10th participated virtually. Smt. Priya Arunachalam narrated a few incidents from Lord Rama’s life depicting the noble virtues He exemplified even during times of adversities. She advised the students to follow the path of truth and honesty. Celebrations filled the atmosphere with the spirit of devotion and love for Lord Rama

Hanumat Jayanthi:

HariHara Vidyalaya celebrated a week long Hanuman Jayanthi utsav in a unique way. Hanuman ji is not only well known for his Ram Bhakthi but also for his virtues, courage, wisdom, diplomatic skills, scholarly knowledge, etc. To imbibe all his qualities, HariHara Vidyalaya prechyck students ventured a series of talks on life lessons. Sri Hanuman ji’s katha and its inner significance were presented in different format like storytelling, puppet show and ppt presentation. The following are the topics of presentations and their respective links: HariHara Vidyalaya teachers offered a devotional rendition of Hanuman Chalisa for the welfare of humanity and good health of all during this pandemic. This offering was recorded and premiered in Chinmaya Sarveshwara youtube channel. Central Chinmaya Mission organized a global online event, ‘Sanjeevan Hanuman Returns’ – 108 times Hanuman Chalisa chanting program. A pre-recorded video of our vidyalaya students chanting Hanuman Chalisa with action was included in that program. We were delighted to be a part of global Chinmaya Program


Our devotion wasn’t hindered due to this pandemic. HariHara Vidyalaya in association with Chinmaya Sarveshwara celebrated Maha Shivaratri in a grand manner on 11th March 2021 with all measures of Covid protocols issued by the government. The devotees were provided with the safe environment to have a divine and peaceful darshan. . Our students were involved in various activities of Sarveshwara Temple like crowd control, akandanamajapa and kalasa abhishekam for whole day and rendered their service to Lord’s feet. The day before Shivaratri, they were involved in preparation activities like decorating the entire Chinmaya Sarveshwara campus with natural streamers and garlands and made some pooja arrangements. HHV’s Parents contribution for this Shivaratri was immense. They prepared natural streamers and decorated the campus with beautiful and bright kolams. A pre-recorded dance program of our students was telecast online. In this Shivaratri, our beloved lord Sarveshwara was recreated in 3 of the 12 Jyotirlingams through divya alakaram. It was a wholesome delight for everyone who witnessed the sight of Lord Sarveshwara on this auspicious day.

Physical Education Online class

Physical exercises help children to maintain good health and active, cheerful mind. Realizing the importance of physical activities, even more so during the pandemic- lockdown situation, our school conducts online PT classes every day from 7 to 8 am for grades 6 to 10. Children are trained in various yoga asanas, warm up and fitness routines and activities like skipping by our PT master.

Circle Time

As a much needed relief for the girl children of grades 9 & 10, we held a circle time for them which allowed the children to open up their fears and anxieties and seek solutions. The session kicked off with outdoor games and progressed with open discussions regarding the current situation and how they could use the lock down period positively. Smt Priya Arunchalam facilitated participatory discussions on topics such as grooming, self-esteem, role of women in society, handling peer pressure and social media.

Pre-Chyk Class

Man is potentially divine. Spiritual development helps a child to discover his or her inherent divinity, shape their character and also develop their personality. Online classes are conducting by Smt.PriyaArunachalam. The following text are taught. 1. Hanuman Chalisa – chanting, meaning, stories and character study of hanuman ji were explained. 2. VibheeshanaGeta – chanting, meaning, stories and character study of Sri Ram ji and Vibheeshana

Bala Vihar Class

Chinmaya Mission’s BalaVihar is a cultural & spiritual value-based education program for students of ages from four to seventeen, which strives to create balanced and integrated individuals, who can positively contribute to society. Our Vidyalaya conducts weekly online Value Education classes for grades 6, 7 and 8. These are facilitated by Smt. Thangam (Chinmaya sevak). Thirukkural is the main text of this class. Meaning of the Thirukkural is explained with real life examples and stories and many activities to emphasize practical application. Recorded videos are sent for classes 1 to 5 along with activities. Kids are very enthusiastic in doing these assignments. Chinmaya value education syllabus ‘Life an Aradhana’ is followed. Given below is the link of one such video. Link for Value Education Classes 1 to 5:- Link for Thirukural Videos:-

Guru Poornima

Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by compiling the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings. In honour of this divine personage, HariHara celebrates Vyasa Puja (Guru Poornima) every year on the full moon day of Tamil month Adi. But this year due to the pandemic situation festival was celebrated through online puja. Children of classes IX & X took part in this event. Here is the glimpse of the celebration.

Gurudev Aradhana Day

We celebrated Pujya Gurudev's 27th Chinmaya Aradhana Day online. Paduka Pooja was conducted by Smt. Priya Arunachalam. Children sang Shri Guru Stotram. Teachers, students & parents did Pooja with Astotra Namavali archana in their homes. Two different videos, on values & life lessons from Gurudev’s life, were made by teachers and circulated to children. Video Link for Classes 3 to 5:- Video Link for Classes 6 to 10:-

Guru Dev Jayanthi

A humble offering was made to our Pujya Gurudev on his 104thJayanthi, by chanting ‘Om Chinmaya Satguruve Potri’. HariHara Vidyalaya teachers, students, parents, ashram staff, CHYKs and CORD villagers took part as one family in this Maha Aradhana Puja. In addition to this, children participated in events like drawing and painting based on Chinmaya Mission Pledge, ‘letter to Gurudev’ and dance performances as part of ChinmayaYugapurushaya Namah program. Selected performances were sent to CCMT and were included in global online Rajopachara Program. We were delighted to be a part of global Chinmaya program. 108 Chinmaya Pottri from rural hearts, Thamaraipakkam offering to Gurudev, May 8, 2020:- Thamaraipakkam Village Balavihar children offering to Gurudev May 8, 2020:-

Ram Janma Boomi

The foundation stone of Sri Ram mandir was laid on 5th August 2020 by Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modi ji. To celebrate this remarkable victory and welcome our Sri Ram Ji back to His own Ayodhya, our Chinmaya mission Thamaraipakkam offered worship to Sri Ramji and His parivar by chanting Sri Ram Jayam 108 times, singing bhajans and Arathi. Students and teachers participated virtually. To emphasize the significance and glory of Ram mandir and Ayodhya, a video was made by our social science teacher and circulated to students and parents. The same day evening to signify Bhagawan Ram’s return to Ayodhya, our school students and parents decorated their houses with lamps and chanted ‘Sri Rama Jayam’ 108 times making it an unforgettable occasion. Rama Janma Boomi Video Link:-


Sri. Arunachalam, Sevak of Chinmaya Sarveshwara, Thamaraipakkam is conducting Thirupugazh online classes every Tuesday and Thursday. The main objective of these sessions are to make people sing, understand the meaning and live the teachings expressed in Arunagirinathars Tirupugazh songs as a part of their daily ritual. Many parents of our HariHaraVidyalaya school children are committed members of this online class. This will impact a right change in the family culture and child’s development.

Teacher’s Study Class

The teachers are also being empowered with a strong foundation in spiritual education through an online group study and discussion class of the Bhagavad Geeta. Smt Priya Arunachalam is the facilitator. This is an activity based interactive class which enables teachers to use the Geeta way of life in their day-to-day chores as well as in the handling of changes in the current pandemic situation. Chapters 2 and 3 have been completed and Chapter 14 is underway. Teachers meet once a week for this session.


In order to inculcate our traditions and culture, Navaratri is celebrated every year with the display of Golu (dolls) and evening satsang/bhajans. In view of the pandemic situation, a small display of Golu was being planned. However, CM Chennai organized a virtual Navratri Utsav 2020 and arranged for all CV schools to participate. Rameshwaram was the allotted theme for HariHara Vidyalaya school. The senior children and our teachers got together a grand display of Rameshwaram in the traditional Golu. The sthala purana of the Ramanatha temple at Rameshwaram and the oneness of Hari/Hara concept of the Lord was enacted beautifully in a skit by the students. This skit was part of the Navratri Utsav 2020 and was telecast on youtube channel. Online Villakku pooja was conducted as part of Navratri celebrations for the teachers, parents, and villagers. Students performance video link:-

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganpati Bappa Morya!!! This year Lord Ganesha was welcomed virtually due to the pandemic. Various aspects of the celebration done through activities like making of Ganeshji idols, face mask, doing pooja, singing bhajans etc., by the children in their respective homes were captured and developed into a video. This video was circulated to the school children. It was great to see our school children follow our traditions and culture in their homes. Ganesh Chaturthi Programme Video Link:-

Adi Sankara Jayanthi

On the occasion of Bhagawan Adi Shankara’s birthday,Chinmaya International foundation conducted various competitions for the children like speak Shankara, draw Shankara etc. It was a great opportunity for our HariHara Vidyalaya children to actively participate and exhibit their talents/skill. We had 2 stars from our school. Class X student Selvi. Pavithra won the first place in oratorical competition.

Independence Day

The 74th Indian Independence day was celebrated at HariHara Vidyalaya on 15th August, with only teachers this year. Shri Arunachalam hoisted our National flag and Smt Priya Arunachalam gave an inspiring speech on Self Reliance. A recording of this speech, a patriotic Bharatiyaar song presented in Acapella by the senior children along with other snippets relating to freedom fighters, our motherland etc., formed part of a video that was posted to all children for the occasion. Thanks to technology, we managed to keep the patriotism spirit high. Jai Hind!! Link for Students performance:-

Bhagavad Gita relay jnana yagna

Chinmaya HariHara Vidyalaya Teachers conducted Bhagavad Gita relay jnana yagna. The teachers are regularly attending weekly Bhagavad Gita satsang, facilated by our correspondent Smt.Priya Arunachalam. They expressed their gratitude & reverence to Param Pujya Gurudev Tapovan Maharaj and Guruparampara on the occasion of Tapovan Jayanthi & Gita Jayanthi. The teachers shared their reflections on various themes based on Bhagavad Gita Chapters 1 to 3 in the Relay yagna. The Yagna was recorded and premiered in Chinmaya Sarveshwara you tube channel on January 4 and 11 respectively. The link was shared with parents, students and other Chinmaya family members. YouTube Links:- Episode 1: Episode 2:

Tapovan Jayanthi

Chinmaya Mission had organized Global online celebration of Shri Tapovan Jayanthi and Geeta Jayanthi. The students of HariHara Vidyalaya participated in this event. HariHara Vidyalaya Children chanted the Bhagavad Gita chapter 9, verses 1 to 17 with great devotion. The recording was included in the Global online Celebration and was telecast in the Chinmaya Mission, you tube Channel on 13/12/2020. It was a great opportunity for our children to offer their love and respect to Sri Tapovan Maharaj. Our heartfelt thanks to CCMT. YouTube Link:

On a Quest Movie

The movie “On a Quest“, a biopic of Pujya Swami Chinmayananda’s Journey was shown to teachers of HHV on 7/01/2021. This was followed by a Q&A session to reiterate the values to be assimilated and followed by a teacher / Guru that was depicted in the movie.

CVP Workshop by teachers

CVP workshop was condcuted for the teachers, by the teachers on the 11th and 12th of January to ensure that CVP is the CPU of our vidyalaya. The main aspects of CVP were presented in the form of videos and PPTs. Teachers presented it with relevant activities and explained the core need to implement in all subjects.The motive was to instill the ideology of Chimaya Vidyalaya – a school with difference and make our teachers understand the essence of being a right teacher. Finally, the Principal Smt. Srividya Balaji gave tips and suggestions to improve their approach on CVP. She added a few techniques on implementing this programme. This session served as an eye opener and gave a great insight to deal with teaching CVP in future.

Republic day

On 26th January, HariHara Vidyalaya celebrated India’s 72nd Republic Day in the School premises. Management, Staff and class X students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity. The Chief Guest for the day was Swamiji Sakalananda. Swamiji Sakalananda hoisted the National flag, the students and staff pledged to uphold the honour and integrity of our Bharat. The choir group presented patriotic song. Sri. O.V.Nambiyar(Zonal Director) and Sri. Rajkumar Devarajan(Trustee) joined us and made it eventful. Smt. Priya Arunachalam, Correspondent gave an inspiring speech on ‘sharing and caring of Bharat’ (feel proud to be an Indian). Sri. OV.Nambiyar Sir addressed the students and urged them to do their best to guard our Nation. Swamiji shared his memory of Gurudev. Smt. Srividya Balaji, Principal rendered the vote of thanks and the function ended with National Anthem.

Chinmaya Alapa

Selvi. Divya Priya and Selvi. Nandhini of Class IX from HariHara Vidyalaya secured the first place in Chinmaya Alapa – an interschool online exposition based on Knowledge Traditional Practices of India KTPI. It was conducted by VGN Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Avadi and Judged by CCMT education cell. More than 20 schools had participated in this event. We chose to do on Ayurveda – Biological Science, out of 5 themes given. Also they were awarded another prize for the best PPT.


HariHara Vidyalaya student, V. Riyasri of Std. 4, performed ‘SarvngAsana with lamp on her forehead for longest duration’, during an event held at Chinmaya Sarveshwara, Thamaraipakkam on October 18th, 2020. This record was recognised by Noble book of World Records.


Harihara Vidyalaya in collaboration with Chinmaya Sarveshwra celebrated Shivarati in a grand manner on 21st February 2020. Our students assisted in various activities of Sarveshwara temple like crowd control, akandanamajapa, prasadam distribution and kalasa abishekam for whole day and rendered their service to Lord’s feet. Prior to this, they also decorated the whole Chinmaya Sarveshwara campus with thoranam and garlands. Also we hosted an interschool cultural fest on the eve of Shivaratri at Chinmaya Sarveshwara from 5:00PM to 9:00 PM. Schools like VGN Chinmaya Vidyalaya from Avadi, MBS Vivekananda Vidyalaya from Arani and Jaimaruthi Vidyalaya from Thiruvallur participated in the cultural retreat and exhibited the glory of Lord Shiva through dance, drama and singing. Post cultural event, Alumni students of Harihara Vidyalaya participated in relay yagna and presented the life of 63 Nayanmars who devoted their life to Lord Shiva. Overall 70 teachers and 300 students participated in the program along with thousands of devotees who thronged the temple throughout the day from nearby villages. It was a wholesome delight for everyone who witnessed the sight of Lord Sarveshwara on this auspicious day.

Pongal Celebration

Children of Harihara celebrated pongal festival on 13th Jan, the day before Boghi in a prodigious manner. Students sparkled in traditional attires and enthusiastically made pongal in pots with the help of teachers. It was a team competition. Girls from Std VII to X produced their ever best rangolies on the floor. Team of girls from Std IX drew wonderful mehandhi for the children and teachers. There were different stalls positioned in Rudhra Vatika which had various traditional and fun games for children from Std III to X. Team Mrityunjaya became the winner of the pongal race with a loud reverberation of Pongalo Pongal. The program culminated with the grand puja led by our correspondent and Sevak Arunacalam ji.

Science Workshop

Science workshop on Std – X new syllabus was conducted on 19th October at Chinmaya Sarveshwara for the science teachers from various schools surrounding Thamaraipakkam. Twenty-six teachers had participated in the day long workshop which had a discussion on inclusive approach to the text books and innovative methods for delivering the content to the children. Also, the workshop had a session on question paper setting and identification of teaching learning resources for the new syllabus that is being followed from this academic year in Matriculation schools. The workshop was led by Smt. Aarthi and Sri. Duraichandran form Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Virugambakkam. The workshop gave a deep understanding in the upcoming methodologies in teaching for the teachers.

Personality Development Program - Std 9 & 10 on TITI

A two day personality development program was conducted for Std 9 & 10 children of Harihara Vidyalaya on Sep 24th and 25th 2019. Twenty students from Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Sriperumbudur along with 45 Harihara children benefited from this two day residential program at Chinmaya Sarveshwara ashram. The program was mentored by Smt. Priya Arunachalam, Sri. Arunachalam, Br. Krishna Chaitanya and Br. Bharathi Chaitanya on Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Cultural and Intellectual transformations through fun filled group activities, stories, videos and games. Movie "GOLD" was screened to children to instill patriotism. Overall it was a great life time learning experience for these youngsters.

Personality Development Program - Std 5 to 8

A two-day camp on the theme of 'Human to Humane' and 'Confidence and Concentration' was conducted for children of 5th, 6th and 7th, 8th grades on 3rd to 4th and 11th to 12th October, 2019 respectively. Children learnt how to cultivate humane values like compassion, sacrifice, love for all beings and friendliness through stories, videos, role plays and activities. Smt Priya and Br Krishna Chaitanya were the mentors who conducted the various sessions in a much fun filled and participatory manner. There were also many engaging games for team building and leadership. Humans, being the crown creation of God, has the most important responsibility of preserving, protecting and providing for other beings and things. In this lies his true glory and goodness. Children presented roleplays on how to protect our land, air, water, animals, birds, trees and care for other fellow beings. The camp had various sessions on building self-confidence and techniques on improving concentration. It was truly an inspiring and educational experience for the children.

Diwali Celebration

True to our tagline, 'School with a difference', our children celebrated Diwali in a unique and heart touching manner. The children of Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated Diwali by giving gifts to their dear Staffs (Drivers, Cleaners, Watchman and House Keeping Staff) as a gratitude for all the seva rendered by them every day. The children collected Rs. 10 each and brought dresses for the Sub – Staff. Also, they prepared and presented colourful and decorative greeting cards with Diwali wishes. The chief guests of this function were the Staff themselves who were honoured duly. The children expressed their love towards the staff by sharing their childhood experiences with them. The staff felt very overwhelmed by these acts of love by the little ones.

Onam 2019

Thiruonam was celebrated in the morning assembly by Std - IX. Students dressed up in traditional Kerala dress, made a flower rangoli and recited songs in Malayalam praising King Mahabali on his arrival. Std IX class teacher Smt.Reeta and our principal Smt.Srividya Balaji addressed the students explained significance of celebrating Onam festival.

Drug Demand Reduction

Drug Demand Reduction program was conducted by Smt.Shanthi Krishnamoorthy, Director of CCMT Education Cell for the children of Std 8 to 10. This awareness program is done in collaboration with Ministry of Social Justice. The program was also attended by the CORD staff and Village Volunteer Resource Persons from the nearby villages served by CORD. Students were given a questionnaire which made them think about the ill effects of drugs and their level of knowledge on the effects of drugs in personal and social life. Supported by Power point presentation and videos, Smt.Shanthi ji made the children aware of evil situations being faced by people in the society due to drugs.

Krishna Janmashtami

"Shri Krishna Kanhaiya Lal Ki…..Jaiiii !!!" Reverberated all over Chinmaya Sarveshwara ashram for the whole day on the occasion of Gokulashtami Celebrations by Harihara Vidalaya Children. All children came in traditional clothes and celebrated the birth of Lord Krishna in their own way. Children from Std 10, conducted Uri Adi (Dahi handi utsav) for classes 5 & 6. Std 9 children decorated a palenquin for the blue boy. Students of Std 6, 7 & 8 took part in Rangoli competition and madethe floor colourful with various lilas of Krishna. Finally the procession took off with KG children dressed up and arrayed as Krishna and Radha. Children sang and danced all the way in mirth. The program concluded with Puja and Mangala Arati.


Rakshabandan was celebrated by children from Std 7 to 10 at Chinmaya Arangam. Rakhi and gift making activity was conducted as part of CCA. Smt. Priya amma educated the children on the significance of this festival and familiarized them with the customs and rituals of Raksha Bandhan. Girls tied rakhi on the wrist of boys and boys in turn offered gifts of love to their sisters.

Independence Day

Harihara Vidyalaya celebrated the 73rd Independence Day with unprecedented patriotic fervor on Aug 15, 2019. K.G.Rajendran, Sub-Inspector of Police, Vengal Police Station hoisted the Tricolour and addressed the children on duties and responsibilities of students with particular focus on discipline. The celebration consisted of special cultural program with Bhajans, Dance and Elocution on life incidents of freedom fighters. Sri.Jayavel, Inspector f Police, Vengal Police Station attended the program and insisted the children to have a goal and work tirelessly to achieve their goal.

Aaradhana Day

Pujya Gurudev's 26th Chinmaya Aaaradhana Day was observed as SEVA DAY by the children of Harihara Vidyalaya. Students, teachers and other staff members participated in the devotional pooja and cultural program. The function was presided by Swami Sureshananda ji and our correspondent Smt Priya Arunachalam who spoke on Gurudev's Grace and compassion. Students of Std 8, 9 & 10 offered their worship by cleaning Shri Vaasheeswarar Temple, 2000 year old Siva temple in Thirupachur. Around 35 students from Std 6 to 9 taught Yoga to 250 government school children in nearby villages like Aathupakkam, Ariyapakkam, Guruvoyal and Arikambedu and thus paid homage to Pujya Gurudev.

Teachers Orientation Program - Uthandi

A two-day teachers’ empowerment program was conducted by Smt Priya and Sri Arunachalam for HHV and CV Mandakolathur teachers at Uthandi. Topics covered were identifying potential, overcoming obstacles in performance, time management & organizational skills, team building, leadership, CVP based lesson plan, cultural transformation and subject-wise activity planner, etc.

Yoga Day 2019

Yoga is not just a vogue, it is our cultural heritage and our hope for healthy living. To mark this International yoga day (June 21, 2019), Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (CORD) and Harihara Vidyalaya (HHV) made a joint venture to spread yoga awareness to Government school children and village women in 6 villages. 30 Harihara Vidyalaya children were trained in 15 yogasanas, breathing techniques and joint exercises. These trained children were made into 6 groups and sent to 6 villages where they inturn taught yoga to more than 300 Govt school children in the morning and to about 150 village women in the evening. The motive is to repeatedly emphasize regular yoga practice in these places. Special thanks to Nithyan, a chykster, yuvaveer and also the proprietor of Trupti Yoga academy who trained the children.

Investiture Ceremony

Investiture ceremony was held on 29th June, 2019 to give official recognition to the School Pupil Leader, Asst. School Pupil Leader and the house captains of four houses namely Mrityunjaya, Digambara, Mahadeva and Athirudhra. The leaders took oath to carry out their roles and responsibilities without favor or ill will. Sri.Amutharasan, Principal of SAMS College of Engineering and Technology gave the official recognition to the leaders.

Teachers Orientation Program

A two-day teachers’ empowerment program was conducted by Smt Priya and Sri Arunachalam for HHV and CV Mandakolathur teachers at Uthandi. Topics covered were identifying potential, overcoming obstacles in performance, time management & organizational skills, team building, leadership, CVP based lesson plan, cultural transformation and subject-wise activity planner, etc.

Guru Poornima

Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by editing the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings. In honour of this divine personage, Harihara Celebrates Vyasa Puja (Guru Poornima) every year on the full moon day of tamil month Adi. Here are the glimpse of the celebration.